Install Hadoop on windows with eclipse

Hadoop on Windows with eclipse

Following components are required before we starting with installation.
Note:This tutorial has been written for and tested with Hadoop version 0.19.1. If you are using another version, some things may not work.
Make sure you have exactly the same versions of the software as shown above. Hadoop will not work with versions of Java earlier than 1.6 and versions of Eclipse later than 3.3.2 due to plug-in API incompatibility.

Installing Cygwin

After installing the prerequisite software, the next step is to install the Cygwin environment. Cygwin is a set of Unix packages ported to Microsoft Windows. It is needed to run the scripts supplied with Hadoop because they are all written for the Unix platform.
To install the cygwin environment follow these steps:
  1. Download cygwin installer from
  2. Run the downloaded file. You will see the window shown on the screenshots below.
    Cygwin installer
    Cygwin Installer
  3. When you see the above screenshot, keep pressing the 'Next' button until you see the package selection screen shown below. Make sure you select 'openssh'. This package is required for the correct functioning of the Hadoop cluster and Eclipse plug-in.
Click here to see larger version

  1. After you selected these packages press the 'Next' button to complete the installation.

Set Environment Variables

The next step is to set up the PATH environment variable so that Eclipse IDE can access Cygwin commands
To set environment variables follow these steps:
  1. Find "My Computer" icon either on the desktop or in the start menu, right-click on it and select Properties item from the menu.
  2. When you see the Properties dialog box, click on the Environment Variablesbutton as shown below
    Click on environment variables button
  3. When Environment Variables dialog shows up, click on the Path variable located in the System Variables box and then click the Edit button.

  4. When Edit dialog appears append the following text to the end of the Variable value field:

    Note: If you installed cygwin in the non-standard location, correct the above value accordingly.
  5. Close all three dialog boxes by pressing OK button of each dialog box.

Setup SSH daemon

Both Hadoop scripts and Eclipse plug-in need password-less SSH to operate. This section describes how to set it up in the Cygwin environment.

Configure ssh daemon

  1. Open the Cygwin command prompt.
  2. Execute the following command:
  3. When asked if privilege separation should be used, answer no.
  4. When asked if sshd should be installed as a service, answer yes.
  5. When asked about the value of CYGWIN environment variable, enter ntsec.
  6. Here is an example session of this command. Note that the input typed by the user is shown in pink and output from the system is shown in gray.

    Example of using ssh-host-config

Start SSH daemon 

  1. Find My Computer icon either on your desktop or in the start-up menu, right-click on it and select Manage from the context menu.
  2. Open Services and Applications in the left-hand panel then select the Servicesitem.
  3. Find the CYGWIN sshd item in the main section and right-click on it.
  4. Select Start from the context menu.
Start SSHD service

  • A small window should pop-up indicating the progress of the service start-up. After that window disappears the status of CYGWIN sshd service should change toStarted.

  • Setup authorization keys

    Eclipse plug-in and Hadoop scripts require ssh authentication to be performed through authorization keys rather than passwords. The following steps describe how authorization keys are set up.

    1. Open cygwin command prompt
    2. Execute the following command to generate keys
    3. When prompted for filenames and pass phrases press ENTER to accept default values.
    4. After the command has finished generating keys, enter the following command to change into your .ssh directory:
      cd ~/.ssh
    5. Check if the keys were indeed generated by executing the following command:
      ls -l

      You should see two files and id_rsa with recent creation dates.These files contain authorization keys.
    6. To register the new authorization keys enter the following command (note the sharply-angled double brackets -- they are very important):
      cat >> authorized_keys

      Setting up authorization keys
    7. Now check if the keys were set up correctly by executing the following command:
      ssh localhost
      Since it is a new ssh installation, you will be warned that authenticity of the host could not be established and will be asked whether you really want to connect. Answer yes and press ENTER. You should see the Cygwin prompt again, which means that you have successfully connected.
    8. Now execute the command again:
      ssh localhost
      This time you should not be prompted for anything.

    Download, Copy and Unpack Hadoop

    The next step is to download and copy the Hadoop distribution.

    1. Download hadoop 0.19.1 and place in some folder on your computer such asC:\Java.
    2. Open Cygwin command prompt.
    3. Execute the following command:
    4. Execute the following command to enable your home directory folder to be shown in the Windows Explorer window:
      explorer .
    5. Open another Explorer window and navigate to the folder that contains the downloaded Hadoop archive.
    6. Copy the Hadoop archive into your home directory folder.

    Configure Hadoop

    Now that Hadoop has been unpacked, we are ready to configure it.

      1. Open a new Cygwin window and execute the following commands:
      cd hadoop-0.19.1
      cd conf
      explorer .
      Bringing up explorer window

    1. The last command will cause the Explorer window for the 'conf' directory to pop up. Minimize it for now or move it to the side.
    2. Launch Eclipse.
    3. Bring up the 'conf' Explorer window opened in Step 2 and drag the filehadoop-site to the Eclipse main window.
    4. Insert the following lines between <configuration> and </configuration>tags.

      Editing site configuration file
    5. Close the Eclipse, Cygwin command and Explorer windows.

    Format the namenode

    Next step is to format the Namenode to create a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
    1. Open a new Cygwin window.
    2. Execute the following commands:
      cd hadoop-0.19.1
      mkdir logs
      bin/hadoop namenode -format

      Format the namenode
    3. The last command will run for some time and produce output similar to that shown below:
      Hadoop Distributed File System created.
      Now that the filesystem has been created you can proceed to the next step.

    Install Hadoop plug-in

    The next step is to install and check the Hadoop plug-in for Eclipse.
    1. Open a new Cygwin window and execute the following commands:
      cd hadoop-0.19.1
      cd contrib
      cd eclipse-plugin
      explorer .
      Navigate to Hadoop eclipse plugin folder
    2. Shrink the newly popped window and move it to the right of the screen.
    3. Open another Explorer window either through "My Computer" icon or by using the "Start -> Run" menu. Navigate to the Eclipse installation and open the "plugins" folder.
    4. Copy the file "hadoop-0.19.1-eclipse-plugin.jar" from the Hadoop eclipse-plugin folder to the Eclipse plugins folder as shown in the figure below.
      Copy Hadoop Eclipse Plugin
    5. Close both explorer windows
    6. Start Eclipse
    7. Click on the open perspective icon ,which is usually located in the upper-right corner the eclipse application. Then select Other from the menu.
    8. Select Map/Reduce from the list of perspectives and press "OK" button.
    9. As a result your IDE should open a new perspective that looks similar to the image below.

      Eclipse Map/Reduce Perspective
    Now that the we installed and configured hadoop cluster and eclipse plugin i's a time to test the setup by running a simple project.

    Start the local hadoop cluster

    Next step is to launch the newly configured cluster. 
    1. Close all the windows on the desktop, open five Cygwin windows and arrange them as shown below.
    2. Start the namenode in the first window by executing:
      cd hadoop-0.19.1
      bin/hadoop namenode
    3. Start the secondary namenode in the second window by executing:
      cd hadoop-0.19.1
      bin/hadoop secondarynamenode
    4. Start the job tracker the third window by executing:
      cd hadoop-0.19.1
      bin/haoop jobtracker
    5. Start the data node the fourth window by executing:
      cd hadoop-0.19.1
      bin/haoop datanode
    6. Start the task tracker the fifth window by executing:
      cd hadoop-0.19.1
      bin/haoop tasktracker
    7. Now you should have an operational hadoop cluster. If everthing went fine your screen should look like the image below:

    At this point the cluster is running and you can proceed to the next step.

    Setup Hadoop Location in Eclipse

    Next step is to configure Hadoop location in the Eclipse environment.
    1. Launch the Eclipse environment.
    2. Open Map/Reduce perspective by clicking on the open perspective icon (), select "Other" from the menu, and then select "Map/Reduce" from the list of perspectives.
    3. After switching to the Map/Reduce perspective, select the Map/Reduce Locations tab located at the bottom of the Eclipse environment. Then right click on the blank space in that tab and select "New Hadoop location...." from the context menu. You should see a dialog box similar to the one shown below.

      Setting up new Map/Reduce location
    4. Fill in the following items, as shown on the figure above.
      • Location Name -- localhost
      • Map/Reduce Master
        • Host -- localhost
        • Port -- 9101
      • DFS Master
        • Check "Use M/R Master Host"
        • Port -- 9100
      • User name -- User
      Then press the Finish button.
    5. After closing the Hadoop location settings dialog you should see a new location in the "Map/Reduce Locations" tab.
    6. In the Project Explorer tab on the left hand side of the Eclipse window, find the DFS Locations item. Open it using the "+" icon on its left. Inside, you should see the localhost location reference with the blue elephant icon. Keep opening the items below it until you see something like the image below.
    7. Browsing HDFS location
    You can now move on to the next step.

    Create and run Hadoop project

    Now we are ready to create and run out first Hadoop project.

    Creating and configuring Hadoop eclipse project.

    1. Launch Eclipse.
    2. Right-click on the blank space in the Project Explorer window and select New -> Project.. to create a new project.
    3. Select Map/Reduce Project from the list of project types as shown in the image below.

    4. Press the Next button.
    5. You will see the project properties window similar to the one shown below

    6. Fill in the project name and click on Configure Hadoop Installation link on the right hand side of the project configuration window. This will bring up the project Preferences window shown in the image below.

    7. In the project Preferences window enter the location of the Hadoop directory in the Hadoop installation directory field as shown above.
      If you are not sure of the location of the Hadoop home directory, refer to Step 1 of this section. Hadoop home directory is one level up from the conf directory.
    8. After entering the location close the Preferences window by pressing the OKbutton. Then close the Project window with the Finish button.
    9. You have now created your first Hadoop Eclipse project. You should see its name in the Project Explorer tab.

    Creating Map/Reduce driver class

    1. Right-click on the newly created Hadoop project in the Project Explorer tab and select New -> Other from the context menu.
    2. Go to the Map/Reduce folder, select MapReduceDriver, then press the Nextbutton as shown in the image below.

    3. When the MapReduce Driver wizard appears, enter TestDriver in the Namefield and press the Finish button. This will create the skeleton code for theMapReduce Driver.

    4. Unfortunately the Hadoop plug-in for Eclipse is slightly out of step with the recent Hadoop API, so we need to edit the driver code a bit.

      Find the following two lines in the source code and comment them out:
      conf.setInputPath(new Path("src"));
      conf.setOutputPath(new Path("out"));
      Enter the following code immediatly after the two lines you just commented out (see image below):

      FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, new Path("In"));
      FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path("Out"));

    5. After you have changed the code, you will see the new lines marked as incorrect by Eclipse. Click on the error icon for each line and select Eclipse's suggestion to import the missing class.

      You need to import the following classes: TextInputFormat, TextOutputFormat, FileInputFormat, FileOutputFormat.
    6. After the missing classes are imported you are ready to run the project.

    Running Hadoop Project

    1. Right-click on the TestDriver class in the Project Explorer tab and select Run As --> Run on Hadoop. This will bring up a window like the one shown below.

    2. In the window shown above select "Choose existing Hadoop location" , then select localhost from the list below. After that click Finish button to start your project.
    3. If you see console output similar to the one shown below, Congratulations! You have started the project successfully!

    I hope you like this post.

    Post a Comment


    1. I have configured in your way and its working. But when I am running code , its completing map 100 but reduce 0%/. Please I am facing this issue since long time please help me

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